To those that say they still love their friends in spite of.....I say, more power to you. You have a kinder heart than I do.
I feel that we have to make people personally responsible for what they do. If you decide to shun someone that is your personal decision no matter who told you to do it. In the end the decision is yours and yours alone and you are responsible for it..
If you had a friend who erred that came to you and asked for forgiveness what would you do? Would you weigh whether they were sorry enough? humble enough? would you try to make an example of them? would you make them hurt even more than they are already hurting?
I didn't think so.....
You would take them in your arms and comfort them and forgive them. Thats the difference between you and the zombies in the borg and their leaders. They have given up their humanity. You have to check it at the door when you become a member. That is probably one of the reasons you got out.
I stand with OUTLAW. They are not your friends.